Monday 10 August 2009

Please donate so I can keep fighting the good fight. Thank you so much


  1. Heya love the videos. Keep up the great work!
    Any chance you can also post a nochex donation button lot of us out here who want to donate wont use paypal.

  2. Great videos!

    Hope to see you in Amsterdam.
    Will make a visit Amsterdam donation!
    Keep on the good work.

  3. you may want to consider a PO Box as well... good luck

    1. I'd recommend this too, for those who send cheques, cash or... socks or something.

  4. great stuff man I live in the U.S. and want to get rid of these worthless federal reserve notes, I can't use paypal for some reason. Keep fighting the good fight.

  5. You do a great job. You are welcome to Lithuania. If you need to stay there, contact me

  6. Great work! So good to see that I'm not alone. Really, you can't imagine how good it feels to hear someone publicly saying what I've been thinking and hoping for so long.

    I wished I could help with a donation but at the moment I'm home- & jobless in London, trying to make a living from my passion which is offering and making totally people & nature friendly i.e. upcycled goods. If you could make good use of one of my products - a small notebook, a card holder or a magic wallet (find them here:, I'd be happy to hand them over to you instead of money. That's all the value I can give you (and the world) at the moment.

    Tanja alias Mayari

  7. Good luck Charlie, if I saw you on the streets of London I would give you an almighty hug for sure...

  8. Will you come to the Netherlands some day ?
    The lowlands need your voice ! ;-)
    Can I ask you why you need donations ?
    I mean, is it for travelling or so ?

  9. Ah the ilusion of life is finally seised back by a portion of humaity who recognise the fun of it all.

    Down to these boring, scrict, egocentric, materialistc, theives of freedom and long live us lot!

    May the Farce be with you.

  10. You Are the Great Marketer, you know?

    Best Wishes from Poland

  11. Good job, your videos are great.

  12. hey, keep up the good job.
    Just got rid of some of the worthless paper notes,hope there gonna be of use to you :)
    hope I will see u guys in Ireland soon,this country needs you!
    Croat living in Ireland

  13. wish i could give you more! ^_^

  14. I posted a comment on Youtube as DSchwachtgen, but it wasn`t transmitted although I made me much work to find the right words. What a miss. Ok, I`ll try it here. I think the message was stopped because of this Link to the petition against the LISBON TREATY RATIFICATION ( it has to have 1.000.000 signatures to can be submitted to the EU-Parliament. Lotest of hugs to you Danny and Charly, you`re the ones who have a backbone, in Germany we would say. Another sentence a german has said? "Divide et impera! Brave word. - To Unify and guide! Better hoard." (J. W. Goethe)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. The last several videos have been increasingly meaningful.

    Glad you've dropped the armed struggle idea and you sound like you have fully joined the source.

    I am using an old blog of mine to re-post your moves.

  17. donated £10,hope it helps

  18. Hi charlie. Would love for u to come to reading and make some videos. Il make sure all expenses are paid for and i would like to donate personally to you in person if that is possible? My email is

  19. Charlie stop pointing sticks in authorities eyes you are a nice guy you got a kid now abig responsability get a decent job i don`t want something bad to happen to your family , i just don`t care anymore what happens to you or Aj or that anoying gaul Stefbot i lost faith in human kind . Sorry for my bad english , all the best my little bro's account this one i closed mine i hate copy cats and herd mentality you understand what i`m talking about...

  20. This man is a charlatan and a liar with an agenda of evil.. All he wants is your money, wake up and tell Veitch to fuck off

  21. Charlie is there a way to contact you (email perhaps)? Wanted to ask you a question. Abrar

    Appreciate your time responding in advance :)

  22. You should accept Bitcoin as a donation method! :)

    Andy B

  23. Hey man you should absolutely accept bitcoin, it's by far the easiest way to accept donations. Plus, not unimportantly, it's how we're gonna circumvent banks!
